
What is orishas? »Its definition and meaning


The orishas are the emissaries of Olodumare or Almighty God. The forces of nature and the efforts of humanity dominate. They recognize themselves and are recognized through their different numbers and colors that are their marks, and each one has their own favorite foods and other things that they like to receive as offerings and gifts. In this way they make their offerings in the way they are used to, the way they have always received them, so that they will recognize their offerings and come to their aid.

Orishas are often best understood by observing the forces of nature that govern. For example, a lot can be learned about Oshún and his children by observing the rivers and streams he governs and observing that although he always heads towards his sister Yemayá (the Sea), he does so on his own tortuous route. Also notice how the babbling brook and flash flood reflect their changing moods. By observing the orishas at work in the world and in their own lives, you will gain a better understanding of them and their ways. Yes, they are complex, but no more than any other living being like you or me. We are also blessed from time to time in religion with the opportunity to meet the orixás face to face during a wemilere (drum ceremony) where one or more of their priests will be mounted.

Traditionally, practitioners believe that everyday life depends on proper alignment and knowledge of the origin.. Ori literally means the head, but in spiritual matters it is taken to mean a portion of the soul that determines personal destiny and success. Asha is the life force that runs through all things, living and inanimate. Ashe is the power to make things happen. It is an affirmation that is used in greetings and prayers, as well as in a concept of spiritual growth. Orisha devotees strive to obtain Ashe through iwa-pele or gentle and good character, as they in turn experience alignment with the ori, what others might call inner peace and satisfaction with life. Ashe is the divine energy that comes from Olodumare, the Creator and manifests through Olorun, who rules the heavens and is associated with the sun. Without the sun, no life could exist, just as life cannot exist without a certain degree of ashe. Ashe is sometimes associated with Eshu, the Orisha messenger. For practitioners, ashe represents a link to the eternal presence of the Supreme God, the Orishas, ​​and the ancestors.