
What is easter »Its definition and meaning


Easter is the most important celebration of the Christian Church, where the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is commemorated on the third day after being crucified, according to the canonical Gospels.

Easter is the Christian holiday in which the resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated. After Christ died on the cross, his body was placed in a tomb; there he remained, separated from his spirit, until his resurrection, when his spirit and body were united again. Latter-day Saints affirm and testify that Jesus Christ was resurrected and lives with a glorified and perfect body of flesh and bones.

The Easter season is the strongest of the year, opening at the Easter Vigil and celebrated for seven weeks until Pentecost. It is the Passover of Christ, of the Lord who has passed the year, who is inaugurated in the Vigil of the Lord, who has passed from death to life, to his definitive and glorious existence. It is also the Easter of the Church, her Body, which is introduced into the New Life of her Lord through the Spirit that Christ gave her on the day of the first Pentecost.

Beyond religion, Easter brings with it other traditions linked to the pagans. As the date of Easter coincides with spring, fertility is celebrated through eggs that symbolize fertility. In many countries, therefore, people eat chocolate eggs that include, inside, candy and children's toys.

Los niños catalanes reciben la mona de pascua de sus padrinos, que, lejos de ser una figura de simio, puede ser un huevo o una escultura de chocolate (puede ser una estructura como un castillo o la imagen de un personaje de moda de un niño películas). Sus madrinas, por otro lado, dan palmas a sus sobrinas y palmones a sus sobrinos para que los lleven a bendecir a la iglesia y luego pueden comer los dulces que los decoran (las palmas y las palmeras son varas decoradas que se usan como cetros).

A curious custom associated with Easter is the prohibition of eating beef or poultry during Good Friday, since in some regions the consumption of fish is allowed. The idea of ​​abstinence is based on making a sacrifice to respect the surrender of Jesus Christ, in rejecting the delicacies, as a symbol of gratitude for all his sufferings in the search for our salvation. That said, the main point of the restriction is not what foods should not be eaten, but that delicious dishes are not prepared.