Holy week or major week as it is called by adherents of the Catholic religion, is a period consisting of 7 days which begins at the end of the quarantine, specifically the day of the beginning is known as "Palm Sunday" and ends next Sunday. called "Resurrection Sunday"; This week the Christian commemorates the Easter Triduum, in other words the last experiences of Jesus of Nazareth that includes the passion, death and resurrection of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. The aforementioned quarantine represents the forty days that Jesus had alone in the desert, having a spiritual preparation and where he proved to be immune to the temptations of the devil.
The most important celebrations within the Holy Week are: Thursday, Friday and Holy Saturday, ending with Easter Sunday. This week the believers in Jesus Christ dedicate this week for reflection and raising prayers to the son of God, for the moments when he filled the earth with his infinite and inexhaustible mercy and decided to take the place of men receiving the worst of punishments to free us all from our sins. In this invested time it is ideal for the human being to meditate on his actions and sins, in this way he seeks to please and get closer to Almighty God, fully fulfilling his ten commandments.
During the Semana Mayor, Catholic Christians take on the task of practicing various religious acts, such as: staging the drama experienced in the death and Passion of Christ, as well as practicing processions where they sing different prayers in chorus; Others, for their part, are in charge of paying a promise for a favor granted such as: carrying a Cross, kneeling in front of each temple along the route, dressing like the Nazarene, among others, there are also different customs, such as not eating meat this week and keeping fast.
As mentioned above, the most important days are: Holy Thursday, where the celebration of the last supper that Jesus has with his disciples is held before being handed over to the Roman authorities, Good Friday where the crucifixion of Jesus is commemorated, Holy Saturday which is the day of his death and Easter Sunday where it is remembered that after the third day Jesus Christ rises and appears in front of his disciples.