
What is cultural heritage? »Its definition and meaning


Cultural heritage is the cultural heritage of the past that belongs to a specific area, which is also maintained to the present day and transmitted to present and future generations, so that they can have the opportunity to appreciate said heritage. Those organizations that are responsible for identifying and classifying certain assets as relevant to the culture of a region, and even all of humanity, are also responsible for ensuring the preservation and protection of such assets, in such a way that they are maintained in the best way for the generations to come and that can be the object of study and source knowledge, as well as emotional experiences for all those who use, enjoy and visit them.

As for the denomination of cultural heritage, it was officially accepted in 1972, when UNESCO reached an agreement to grant such a distinction.

UNESCO is an organization that is part of the United Nations and that since its foundation has had as its main objective, to contribute to the peace and security of the planet through the promotion of education, science and culture and everything that is associated with the aforementioned branches. That is why since the 1970s, the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage has been given the task of identifying and protecting the cultural and natural heritage of greatest importance for the planet, since this way it will be possible to preserve it in favor of the generations that are to come.

In a series of official UNESCO texts, special emphasis is placed on the need to ensure the non-disappearance of Cultural Heritage. Therefore its protection and preservation are necessary to combat its degradation or possible disappearance in the not too distant future.

There are natural areas may also be considered as cultural heritage, this is because certain geological formations or biological have a value so high and it is impossible not only consider as such. When this recognition is acquired, all kinds of measures are adopted to preserve the place, such as the rehabilitation of the place, its promotion, as well as guarantees for its conservation.