
What is social position? »Its definition and meaning


Before defining this term, it must first be understood that a society is one that is made up of a group of people, who are located within it in a hierarchical way, that is, each individual fulfills a specific role, or rather, a certain position within it.

Despite the fact that this social class represented something inherent in the Middle Ages, where society was designed in the shape of a pyramid and where wealthy families were those that occupied the upper part of it. Currently, this social scheme is no longer valid; However, reality shows that there are still obvious differences regarding the social position that each individual occupies. Differences that are accentuated at the economic level, between the rich and the poor.

At present, the social position that a subject occupies is associated with the job that he has and with the salary he receives. An individual who earns a good salary will be able to live well and will have a wealthy position. Otherwise, it is when the person does not earn a good salary or in the worst case does not even have a decent job, this causes them to place themselves in a low position within society.

Those who are in a high position, it is because they earn enough money to live in luxurious houses and can enjoy certain luxuries, which the lower class could never afford, since the little they have is for the essential. It is unfortunate but there are people who value what they have more than what they really are as individuals.

However, this social position is something that can vary and those who were previously in a low position may very well rise in position or vice versa. That is why those who do not have money should not be despised since, one does not know the turns of life, and tomorrow that subject will become rich and rise in position.

The above shows that nothing is forever in life and that one's social position may very well change in the future. This is why humility is one of the most important values ​​within each human being, since through it, each person is valued for what they are and not for what they have.