
What is potassium? »Its definition and meaning


Potassium is a chemical element whose symbol is K. It is a silvery-white alkali metal, found in abundance in nature, specifically in the elements related to salt water. It is characterized by being very light, light and soft. It is a metal that when in contact with fire can burn with a violet flame.

The term potassium is attributed to the English chemist Humphry Davy, who discovered it in 1807, after isolating it for the first time by means of the electrolysis of potassium hydroxide.

Potassium has many applications, some of them are: along with sodium, potassium is used as a refrigerant in nuclear power plants. It is also used in the glass industry, medicine, electric batteries, etc.

Similarly, this valuable mineral is found in greater quantity within the body, after calcium and phosphorus. This mineral helps to maintain the normal pressure of the internal and external part of the cells, in addition to regulating the water balance in the body. Potassium is very important in the diet of humans, since together with sodium and chlorine they are part of the electrolyte family.

Potassium regulates the activity of muscles and nerves. It is easily absorbed in the small intestine, it is important to note that almost 90% of the potassium that is ingested is excreted in the urine and the rest is disposed of in the feces and sweat.

Natural sources of potassium are found in foods, such as fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy ones. Among the fruits rich in potassium are bananas or plantains, melon, oranges, grapes, prunes and dates. Similarly, a large amount of potassium is found in legumes, meats and seeds. Dried fruits such as walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc. They also represent an important source of potassium

When the body has a decrease in potassium in the blood, it causes a hydroelectrolyte imbalance called hypokalemia or hypokalemia. Among the causes that trigger this deficiency are: low potassium diets, people with anorexia or bulimia, people who receive intravenous feeding, diarrhea, vomiting, abuse of laxatives, excessive use of diuretics, malnutrition, alcoholism, etc.

Some of the symptoms that indicate a low potassium are: muscle weakness, muscle cramps, irritability, vomiting and nausea, cardiac arrhythmias.