
What is chore? »Its definition and meaning


Do is a name that means occupation, work. Its plural is tasks. A chore is an activity or a task that must be done. The notion generally refers to an obligation or a commitment, and not to a hobby or something that is done just for pleasure.In addition, tasks can also be immediate, that is, tasks that must be done at that time or tasks what to expect.

In order to put everyday tasks in order, it is appropriate to differentiate between what is priority and what is secondary, in addition to differentiating between what is urgent and what can be expected.

The notion of chore can be used to talk about a professional activity. Suppose a man works as a news anchor for a television channel. This professional, as part of his journalistic work, will interview personalities, registry reports and news of the present.

A writer, on the other hand, will develop a literary task. In this case, your office's inherent activities will include researching certain topics, having meetings with your editorial agent, and of course writing.

The concept, in certain contexts, appears linked to the reality of a region. When we refer to municipal work, provincial work or national work, we refer to various issues carried out by a government or by the entire community.

The idea of ​​the work of a sector also applies. In the same way that journalistic work can refer to what a specific journalist did, or literary work must be linked to what a single person writes, expressions could also include the activity of all journalists or of all writers of a journalist. place.

On the other hand, it is called housework or housework to activities that must be carried out with a certain frequency to maintain a clean and orderly house. Among the most common are the following: washing and drying dishes; wash and hang clothes; take out the trash; Wipe the furniture with a cloth to remove dust, prepare meals and serve them on the table.

It should be noted that from a colloquial point of view, people often use the concept of homework to refer to those activities that involve some kind of obligation, however, they do not associate this concept with the enjoyment of a leisure activity.