It comes from the English language in which it is used to refer to that which is in a higher position than another, at the request of a list or in matters of hierarchies.
In as much as happens with many words in the English language that, due to their phenomenal extension, end up being adopted by other languages, it succeeded with rank, and it is thus that today it is used as one more and proper word in the Spanish language.
A ranking is a list that will establish a relationship between the set of elements that are gathered in it, that is, there is a common characteristic that they share and that makes them belong to that list, in which, each element will have a characteristic of its own special that will make it be above or below the other elements.
Generally, the rankings, regardless of their type or the items they relate to, range from highest to lowest. For example, the ranking of the twenty most voted musical themes on the radio, whose program is to transmit and broadcast them, will be published in decreasing order, that is, N °. 20, no. 19, no. 18, thus until reaching the position n ° 1 of the ranking and winner of the same.
Referring to the advertisements; The ranking is the position of the ad is the order in which an ad appears on the page. For example, the ad position "1" indicates that it is the first ad on a page. In general, it's fine for your ad to appear high on a page, as more customers are likely to see it.
Ads can be displayed at the top or bottom of a search results page.