Reform to the action and the result of the reform, meanwhile, this action involves redoing, modifying or amending something, a behavior, a question, among others. Meanwhile, the concept of work is used to designate everything relative or appropriate to the job, especially that which refers to legal and economic issues.
So, the labor reform consists of a program especially aimed at creating new jobs.
With these definitions, we can develop the idea of labor reform. It is an initiative that modifies the legislation that regulates labor relations in order to grant them greater flexibility.
The objective of the labor reform is to favor the creation of jobs. To this end, changes are enacted in the laws in favor of employers, who must take less risk or cost to hire and fire employees. It is expected that, faced with this reality, they will take the initiative to create positions that, in another context, they would not create.
In the parliament there is a discussion between the legislators and if there is an agreement and a majority, the modification will take place. For example, to begin the creation of new jobs, it will be necessary to introduce new alternatives in the labor law in terms of hiring employees.
For example, it is that the labor reform is materialized in a law that once sanctioned must be promulgated and regulated by the competent bodies in these aspects.
A labor reform can include a reduction in compensation, give more arguments to companies to justify layoffs and free employers from certain social charges.
Typically, a labor reform will be debated among various sectors: the government, employers and unions. Ultimately, the amendments to the laws must be voted by the Legislative Power and sanctioned by the Executive Power.
One of the most recent labor reforms was the one that the PP government decided to carry out in Spain in 2012, modifying the attack two years earlier.
It should be noted that in many countries a labor reform has been introduced with the intention of solving some of the main complications of the context, such as: job instability in some sectors, lack of access to the labor system suffered by the most vulnerable sectors. youth of the population, supplanting temporary contracts or garbage for the indeterminate, and that dismissal is a last resort for the company, among others.