Labor is an adjective with which a certain activity is qualified and related to events in which an interest or purpose of a group of people is manifested to develop a product, provide a service or complete the goals of an administrative system. In short, work is what has to do with work. There are cases in which the end of work is not directly related to the relationship between a boss and an employee, but rather complements this social connection in some way.
The social relationship basically comprises that in which one person hires another to perform certain tasks established in a contract or document in which all the employment conditions are agreed, these include both the rights that the boss has over his employee such as duties (payments, social responsibility and guarantee of optimal working conditions).
Labor law for its part is that branch of law that regulates the relationship from a legal and legal point of view. The legislates labor law based on the respect and protection of both parties of a company, both the worker and the employer from being safeguarded and committed to their rights and duties. All countries have a particular law that establishes a compendium of norms in which not only the connection is controlled, but vital parameters are established such as the limit of wages and salaries and working hours, which vary according to the type of government administration, the essence of labor law is to print the social characteristics to the relationship to maintain fairness in the established treatment.
La actividad física o mental que se realiza en un área de trabajo es el esfuerzo laboral, constituye un producto por definición. El conflicto laboral que se origina a partir de este se concibe a partir de un descontento entre los obreros o asimilados a la nómina por incumplimiento de un contrato o malas condiciones de trabajo. Otros términos enfocados con la psicología como el bullying laboral y el acoso laboral surgen ante problemas que complican las tareas de un empleado.