
What is labor reintegration? »Its definition and meaning


Labor reintegration refers to the process that a subject goes through who lost his job and wishes to enter a new one. When a person is unemployed, they are excluded from the group of workers in an activity, ceasing to receive all labor benefits, so it is of utmost importance to find a new job that allows them to return to work.

For an individual who loses his job, it is very important to reintegrate as soon as possible, in order to be able to receive his salary and other benefits that allow him to lead a stable life. That is why the State must allow labor reintegration through the training of workers, the granting of subsidies to contracting companies and the activation of the economy as a whole.

One of the contexts where job reintegration is of vital importance is prison, since people who are serving a sentence of many years, obviously will lose their jobs; This is why they need the State to provide them with the appropriate tools to regain their lives and their economic independence upon their release.

This issue has been much debated, since the type of crime that each subject has committed must be taken into account, what was his state before falling in jail, his age and the effects that the detention caused him beyond the simple loss from work, such as housing.

There are many countries that are concerned about the academic training of those deprived of liberty, since keeping them with their minds occupied allows them to keep them away from negative thoughts, in order to prevent them from falling back into a criminal life. This makes it easier for them to be reintegrated into society and the world of work when they leave prison.

The important thing is that everyone deserves a second chance and society must facilitate this reintegration.

On the other hand, there are people who, once they are fired from a job, feel distrust when starting the search for a new job, since nowadays companies are very selective when hiring someone, the age factor also It influences, since there are companies where they limit the age of applicants for a position. However, do not be discouraged, not all companies have the same requirements, what you must have is self-confidence and a lot of perseverance.