
What is relief? »Its definition and meaning


The word relief has several meanings, but in general this word can refer to what is different or stands out above the rest. The dictionary of the real academy exposes five possible meanings where one of them alludes to the importance or renown of someone or something, that is, it is that person or something in particular that stands out or stands out in some way from the rest, whether, if it is spoken of people, for their prestige, fame etc. In the artistic field, the word relief or also high relief and bas-relief is used, to refer to a technique that when making sculptures the forms stand out from the rest of the surface. One of the main uses of this word is whenIn geography we speak of a surface that rises above a flat surface, an example of which is mountains, mountain ranges, or hills, among others.

The relief is the group of topographic or geodesic figures that occur on the earth's surface, caused as a product of the succession of two processes called the internal geodynamic cycle that includes diastrophism processes, orogenic processes and volcanic activity; and the external geodynamic cycle, due to different external agents such as wind, ice, water, etc. transport, erode and sediment certain materials exposed on the outside of the surface. These two processes make up the geological cycle, which follows an evolutionary, repetitive and irreversible process. Therefore the relief is the result of a complicated system in which the atmosphere, the biosphere, the lithosphere and the hydrosphere interact.