The beet is a native plant of the European and African continent, its scientific name is "Beta vulgaris", an outstanding characteristic of it is that its root can be eaten. This is a herbaceous plant that within the genus Beta is part of the Amaranthaceae family, which includes a large number of species, but without a doubt the most common is the so-called “garden beet,” other varieties include the Big Red, Sangria, Golden among many others.
This plant derives from the Beta maritima L, which is a very common species in certain coastal areas of North Africa and southern Europe, it is important to note that the latter is not considered edible, however it has not been left to a aside its use in areas such as medicine, something it shares with common beets. To refer to beet as a source of food, we must go back to antiquity, at that time it was common for the plant to be eaten almost in its entirety, since its leaves were also used as food, for the nineteenth century its use in the field of the kitchen had a somewhat abrupt decline, this was due to the fact that its use was mainly focused on the distillation of the same for the production of alcoholic beverages, in addition to making sucrose from it.
For people who do not tend to consume any type of meat or products of animal origin, the consumption of beets is very important, since it has great nutrients such as vitamins and minerals to supply energy to the body, supplying the energy provided by consumption. of animal protein, a very common way of consuming it is through salads and even juices, however experts say that it better maintains its nutritional properties if it is not altered, that is, when it is raw.
The cultivation of beets is frequent in cool environments where there is plenty of water, since the plant will require it very frequently, so that its growth can develop without any inconvenience.
Due to its composition, it is very useful to combat anemic symptoms and certain cardiovascular pains, in addition, due to its high fibrous content, it is considered favorable for the digestion process, it also maintains balanced blood glucose levels and helps to remove excess cholesterol.