Didactic sequences is the set of educational activities that, linked, allow to approach a subject of study in different ways. All activities must share a common thread that allows students to develop their learning in a coherent way.
The structure of the sequence is incorporated with two elements which are carried out in parallel: the sequence of learning activities and evaluation for the learning inscribed in those same activities. For reasons of form, we present the two lines as parallel, when in their development in the classroom both elements of learning and evaluation are deeply interwoven. When a difficulty occursor a learning possibility, it is necessary to locate said difficulty, to allow reorganization and advance in the didactic sequence, while the results of a learning activity, the products, works or tasks that the student performs are elements of the evaluation. This sequence integrates learning principles with those of evaluation, in its three diagnostic, formative and summative dimensions.
It can be said that a didactic sequence has the purpose of ordering and guiding the teaching process that an educator urges. Within the systematic educational procedure, there is a set of activities associated with a specific organism. However, in some cases it is the teachers themselves who develop the didactic sequence that they consider appropriate to work in the classroom with their students.
Suppose a teacher has to develop in a class the kind of life that dinosaurs lead; In order for your class to be productive, he will make a didactic outline of the way in which the content of the class will be worked on, and he will try to ensure that all students meet the expectations that he proposes during teaching. In this way, you must first present the topic to the group and offer content related to the lives of these creatures; Later, you could prepare a visit to a museum and finally a movie showing so that students can relate the concepts. After these activities, the teacher could dedicate another class to answer the group's doubts, before asking them to develop a practical work on dinosaurs.
First, the didactic sequence is incorporated into a document and a series of data must appear (name of the teacher, the subject and the educational level to which it is addressed). On the other hand, in the sequence document, the teacher must include information on the number of classes planned, the activities to be carried out, the necessary teaching materials and the evaluation of the contents.
In addition to the structured academic content itself, it is necessary to include a series of educational competencies that must be achieved by students.