The easement is a human system in which the productive and social labor standards include a standing person compulsorily under the power exercised over another and therefore must perform different types of work in exchange for a minimum wage or payment of the most basic goods. The easement is compared in many ways to slavery because it prevents the servant or individual exercise their full freedom.
The serfs of the Middle Ages will be credited for the fact of carrying out agricultural activities, but they also work as people of direct work to those who dominated them, having to assist them in daily activities.
These begin to be scarce as a socio-economic system with the end of the Middle Ages and the entry action of the modern age because in many parts of Europe they will continue to exist with great force until the beginning of the 20th century.
A difference of slavery is that slaves were not considered free but objects beings trend or owned by people who had them, plus the easements established a structure similar violence to that of slavery because the loss of freedom in most of things was for life due to the limited possibilities of social and economic advancement that such individuals were allowed.
The act of easement is considered one of the real or limiting rights over things that belong to another and consists of the domain of preventing certain facts from the owner or the power to use it in a certain way that involve a labor activity and a loss of freedom.