Sintrom is an anticoagulant that is administered to patients who are at risk of thrombosis or embolism. When taking this drug, the individual must follow rigorous controls with the cardiologist to evaluate how the drug works and the progressive adjustment of the dose.
This drug is used primarily in patients with cardiac arrhythmia as a result thereof can form clots blood within the body, which would be lethal to the person. It is necessary for patients using metal valve prostheses to take this drug to avoid blood pooling on the prostheses.
One of the drawbacks of sintrom is that a fixed dose cannot be delivered, so ongoing evaluations must be performed to determine the level of blood clotting. For example, if the dose that the patient takes is very low, the blood clots normally, as if he were not taking the treatment, then it is the moment in which the dose should be increased. But if it is very high, the blood will be highly anticoagulated and there will be a risk of bleeding.
Some patients older than 70 years tend to have higher plasma concentrations than young people with the same daily dose. Most of the acenocoumarol is found in plasma, 98.7% bound to plasma proteins, especially albumin, and this is where the drug is found.
Among the most significant side effects of this anticoagulant is the appearance of bleeding from the nose, gums or urine.