
What is free time? »Its definition and meaning


All human beings to be able to develop in all aspects of their life and be people of integrity need to carry out various activities that promote their evolution and learning, however during the day, a person cannot be totally occupied in an activity other than every moment, it is necessary (for different reasons) that you enjoy moments in which you do not occupy yourself in something, this period is known as free time, in which the recommendation is that you take advantage of it to rest and relax so that stress is not part of his life.

Generally, free time is known as that period of time in which there is no obligation to fulfill, and otherwise there are duties that can be of various kinds such as studies, work, household chores, among others. In the free time, most of the tasks carried out are recreational or distracting activities. In almost all mandatory tasks, the schedule for compliance is imposed by someone else, in the case of studies it is given by the academic institute, at work it is imposed by the company or employer, etc. All the opposite occurs with free time, where the owner of it is the one who decides when to make use of it.

The fact that a person has free or leisure time in their life is necessary for various reasons, for example to socialize and thus be able to interact in a fun way with other people, to enjoy good physical health (because that time free can occupy him in exercising or sports in group) and mental health (to be able to distract himself from the worries and obligations of those daily tasks). When a subject performs leisure activities in his free time, he feels that he is satisfying certain needs that his humanity demands of him.

However, the difference in a recreational activity and a compulsory activity depends on the person who performs it, for example some may perform a sport such as football for pleasure and as a distraction, but for others it is their profession, for this reason it is a obligation, everything lies in the utility that the tasks can generate and their economic gain.