
What is time? »Its definition and meaning


Time is a fundamental physical quantity, which can be measured using a periodic process, understood as a process that is repeated in an identical way and indefinitely. The unit of time selected is the second, the latter is defined as 86,400 th of the mean solar day.

Most human activities are governed by time, as time helps us put our day in order. It tells us what we should be doing, or when something is going to happen, it is like an endless stream that carries us, moving us from the past, present, and then to the future.

The unit of time has multiples and sub-multiples, such as a day is equal to 24 hours, the hour is equal to 60 minutes, the minute is equal to 60 seconds, when we want to measure the time elapsed in a year we have that a week is equal to 7 days, the month is equivalent to 4 or 5 weeks and in turn 28, 29, 30 or 31 days, and the year is equivalent to 12 months.

In our daily life we ​​generally use the calendar and the clock as the main instruments to measure time. Long before clocks existed, people relied on natural events to measure time. They worked, ate, and slept according to the rising and setting of the sun.

Time is also known as the period of duration in which an action or event takes place, be it long or short. Our history is described through time through periods, stages, epochs or eras. For example: the time of rebirth.

In much of the world the birth of Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ has been taken as a “zero” point or the beginning of our era. A certain event that occurred before the zero point is assigned the letters BC (before Christ).

On the other hand, time is referred to as the momentary state of the atmosphere or the different meteorological phenomena that occur in any place; and that they occur for short periods and can change from one moment to another.

This time is called atmospheric time and it is due to the temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, and precipitation at the given moment. Its most outstanding characteristic is its variability, and the science that is dedicated to the study of weather is Meteorology.