The Milky Way is a conglomeration of planets, stars and space material united by a kind of spiral symmetry, with a center where heat attracts all its components in a constant fluctuation of gravity. The Milky Way is what is known as a galaxy, which is a huge collection of stars and cosmic gases with a particular shape. It is the Milky Way, the galaxy that contains the solar system in which the earth is, in the company of 8 planets with their respective moons and a sun around which they rotate in an elliptical path.
The phrase "Milky Way" is attributed to Greek mythology, who believed that it was a stream of milk emanated from the breast of the goddess Hera. An astronomer of the time named Democritus, asserted in his studies of the sky, that it was a union of an infinite number of stars, visible thanks to the fact that together they formed such a flash.
The observations made by Galileo Galilei in his time a thousand years later, when through a telescope built by himself, I observe bright formations of lights (stars) in curvatures, this brightness was curious to him and he made annotations in which he refers to that row of stars and cosmic gas like the Milky Way thus corroborating the theories of Democritus.
The measurement of the Milky Way is imprecise, however, it is believed that an end-to-end journey of it could last 100,000 light years, which is equivalent to a trillion kilometers. Being of the " Barred Spiral " type, the Milky Way contains approximately between 400 and 500 million solar systems, which are arranged throughout the galaxy.
The Milky Way galaxy to be studied is classified its parts as follows: Halo, bright cover of gas arranged from the arms and around it. Disc, forming structure and more symmetry in the arms of the spiral with stars and dark material, Bulb, is the center of the galaxy, in it is the largest accumulation of stars and according to studies, black holes. Empirical studies around the universe have determined that it is infinite, so it is also clear that the Milky Way is not the only galaxy, including, thanks to technology, sets of neighboring stars and planets have been discovered and observed, such as This is the case of the Andromeda galaxy.