The Virgin of Fatima is an invocation with which the Virgin Mary is venerated in Catholicism. Like other Marian apparitions, this one had its origin thanks to the testimonies offered by three pastors, which were Lucía dos Santos, Jacinta and Francisco Marto, said individuals, affirmed to have witnessed on several occasions, Marian apparitions in the Cova da Iria, Fatima, in Portugal, this occurred between May 13 and October 13, 1917, it was since then that this Marian invocation spread its popularity throughout Portugal, and even far beyond its local limits reaching all the world.
According to the story, the shepherd children witnessed a sudden glow in the sky and subsequently a beautiful woman emerged and approached them. One of the shepherds asked her what she wanted and to which she replied that they return to that same one after a month and during that time they pray the rosary in order to achieve peace in the world. In order to achieve peace in the world.
After this event, new encounters took place between the Virgin of Fatima and the three children, who were in charge of spreading the news among their neighbors. In October thousands of faithful gathered in the town of Cova da Iria, very close to Fátima. It was raining torrentially, but suddenly the rain stopped and the Sun began to move in a strange way, similar to a gigantic ball of fire, then the Sun returned to its normal position. Many of the people who attended that place were sick and suddenly completely healed.
Then another amazing event occurred: the damp ground and the wet clothes of the attendees were suddenly completely dry. All those acts amazed the assembled crowd and the news would spread throughout the world.
It should be noted that during the meetings that took place between the Virgin of Fatima and the three shepherds, she gave notice of three secrets, which were revealed by the Catholic Church years later. These secrets were:
The first of them was the vision that the three shepherds had when they saw an image of hell and in it the humans, who were mired in despair.
The second is divided into three parts: the end of World War I was predicted, the announcement of a Second World War if men did not stop offending God, they continued with offenses towards God and the Virgin's wish that Russia would change of course and will end up abandoning communism.
Finally, the third secret refers to the loss of faith in the earth, this is considered the most complex of all secrets.