The Bible tells the story that approximately 2000 years ago something extraordinary happened: a woman from a humble family, of Jewish origin and named Mary, received a visit from the angel Gabriel, who had been sent by God, to give her an announcement to this woman. The angel informed him that he would have a son and who would be called Jesus, who at the same time would be the son of God.
Since this event, this woman has gone down in history as the mother of God and to refer to her we speak of the Virgin Mary. Within the Catholic Church it is represented as a model of obedience and is contrasted with disobedience on the part of Eve, in the garden of Eden.
In Western culture, under the influence of religion, virginity was considered until not long ago as a synonym of virtuous woman, where it is tradition that the woman came to marriage as a virgin, since this represented a state of purity, which it was symbolized by the white color of the bride's dress.
The Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, is the one who conceived her son Jesus, by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit, and without having had sexual relations with any man. In addition, the concept is applied to those women that the Church has highlighted for their purity and integrity that characterizes them.
Similarly, we speak of virgin in the sense of things that are kept in a state of purity or original, such as land that has not yet been cultivated or a videotape not yet used. Another application of the term is to refer to those products that have not undergone artificial processes during their manufacture, that is, they are not refined or have preservatives, as is the case with virgin olive oil, which is simply a juice of olives in state of purity.
Regarding the virginity of Mary, it must be remembered that the early Christian church understood that sexuality had a sinful component, for that reason the only worthy way for Mary to be the mother of God was through a non-sinful conception. That is why, in the New Testament which was written during the first centuries of the Christian movement, noted fact that Mary was conceived by work of the Holy Spirit. This fact is known within Catholic Christianity as the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.