
What is accident? »Its definition and meaning


The royal academy defines the word accident as "quality or state that belongs to something, without being part of its essence or nature", accident comes from the Latin "accĭdens, -entis" which means "what falls, what happens or happens occasionally ”, the verb “ accidere ” which means “ to happen, to fall ”. The word accident is determined as a fact or event that is caused by a violent and sudden action caused by an involuntary external third party, which gives rise to a bodily injury that is when the accident has caused the death or injury of a passenger. This concept forces one to bear in mind the various types of accidents that are restricted by various unexpected and uncontrollable phenomena.

Most of the accidents that cause mortality are transport accidents, which is when a number of people die in a place and in a given period of time or from goods either by land or maritime transport. The accidents is what happens to the worker within their workday or can happen during the journey to work or from where work to your home.

In itinere accidents, in itinere means “on the road” that is described by an event or fact that can occur during the transfer from home to work or otherwise, provided that the worker has not interrupted the journey for reasons unrelated to work.

On the other hand, there are occupational diseases, together with work accidents, known as professional emergencies, compared to common emergencies, whether due to common diseases and non-occupational accidents.