
What is population growth? »Its definition and meaning


The population growth refers to the increase in the number of persons established in an area per unit time for calculation. When we mention the term population growth we can be talking about any type of species, however we commonly refer to human beings.

To determine how much a certain population has grown, the calculation of the population growth rate must be applied, this is done using the following formula:

Growth rate = (population at the end of the period-population at the beginning of the period)

Population at the beginning of the period

Although the most used way of calculating the growth rate, it is as a percentage, applying the following formula:

Growth percentage = Rate / growth X100%

For the government of a country it is very important to be aware of how much its population has grown in certain areas, which will allow it to make the appropriate decisions regarding said population.

Currently there has been a considerable increase in the world population, this is due to the fact that today the life span of human beings has increased and has made their productive life rise. Also the fact that medicine has evolved, allowing the eradication of many diseases that in the past have caused numerous deaths, however, advances in medicine have allowed those children born today to become future parents of tomorrow.

However, there are countries like China where their population growth is very high, and the pertinent measures have been adopted in order to procreate a limited number of children. Population growth leads to an increased demand for food, housing, etc., and many other elements necessary for survival. It is true that the earth provides us with food but this does not prevent people from starving in many parts of the world.

That is why we must all contribute to slow down population growth a bit and how to do it? doing awareness campaigns to educate people, especially those who live in very poor areas, explain to them about the use of contraceptive methods, there is the key to solving the problem, if people are unaware of the great impact that the Population growth will not change your way of thinking.