
What is growth tissue? »Its definition and meaning


The growth tissues or meristems are made up of young cells where the only activity is to be distributed by mitosis of the cells of the meristems that derive all the cells that make up the plant, where there are also primary meristems where the cells allow the growth of the plant in length and meditate secondary, it is where the cambium are layers of cells arranged between the xylem and the phloem that contributes to the thickening of the plant and the phellogen is the tissue located on the periphery of the stem and the root that contributes to the growth in thickness of plant where the cells allow the plant to grow in thickness.

The parenchymal tissues are constituted by cells specialized nutrition where the main parenchymal are the chlorophyll parenchyma cells capable of photosynthesis, the parenchyma of plant tissue spongy with large vacuoles and strong cell wall which carries out photosynthesis and storage, the aeriferous parenchyma is the one that is developed in plants that live in humid or aquatic environments that are plants that live in water.

In growth tissues or primary meristems they are classified as apical, lateral, intercalary.

Apical, are those that are applied to the sound of the consonant that is emitted by making the upper end of the tongue touch the teeth, the alveoli are the cavity of the jaw of vertebrate animals in which the tooth or palate is inserted.

Lateral, is the one that is found along the sides of the stem and the root and is applied to the thing that has less importance than another with which it has some relation.

Intercalary, are those that have in the shoots or buds that form the temporary tissue between two or more elements or parts of a set or series of a new element.

In the secondary ones, they are those that originate from the primary cells that are distinguished and function as part of some adult tissue system.

The vascular or phellogen cambium, is the origin of the secondary xylem is the plant tissue formed by the dead, rigid and lignified cells that conduct the sap and hold the silver and the phloem is the tissue that is constituted by the vessels or ducts that transport the Elaborated sap that is located between these tissues in the stem and the root.

Cambium suberoso or phellogen are those that are constituted by the epidemic cells of higher plants or more frequent in the deepest cordial strata in dicotyledons with short-term secondary growth, the phellogen is formed in the subepidermal layer of the superficial layer.