Before defining what a non-binary genre is, one must first know what binary genders are; when we speak of binary gender, we refer to men and women. Therefore, non-binaries are those whose gender identities do not fit between the variety of binary genders (male and female).
People who are within this category, fail to identify with the male and female genders, being able to recognize themselves within the wide variety of gender, with which they satisfy their personality. A transgender person is one who was assigned a gender at birth (based on the external appearance of their genitalia), but this does not match what the person actually feels.
Non-binary gender is also known as “genderqueer”. Genderqueers may or may not perceive themselves as persons belonging totally or partially to a specific gender, but rather feel a certain divergence that allows them to assign particular characteristics of certain genders, to fulfill their identity wishes.
There is a great diversity of non-binary genres, some of them are:
Gender fluid: when a person is gender fluid, it is because they cannot identify with a single sexual identity, but rather move between several. This type of subject can feel the change of identity for days, months or years.
Demi Gender: is that person who partially identifies with a certain gender.
Poli Gender: is that person who identifies with 2 or more genders.
Aggender: an aggender person cannot identify within any gender.
Androgynous: are those people whose identity is between the two binary genders: male and female.
Neutral gender: gender neutral people are those who do not consider themselves to be male or female; there are cases where an individual can try to diminish the features of their physical appearance.
Pangender: within this identity are included all other identities, although in a stable way, without variations.
Another of the uncommon genres is the Kathoey, this term is used in Thailand to refer to the person whose external appearance was that of a woman and has become a man. They represent what is popularly known as transvestites or transsexuals.
The non-binary gender community has been struggling for years to have their rights recognized, and there are several countries that have included ordinances in their laws such as allowing transsexual students to use the bathroom they prefer, depending on the gender with which they identify.; equal marriage and the change of name of official documents.