
¿Qué es álter ego? » su definición y significado


El origen de este término se remonta a la década de 1730, los estudios se realizaron utilizando la hipnosis para separar lo que entonces se llamaba “el otro yo”. Estos experimentos conducidos por Anton Mesmer determinaron que las personas cuando estaban en estado de vigilia actuaban de forma diferente a cuando estaban hipnotizados.

However, it was not until the 19th century that the term "alter ego" was coined when dissociative identity disorder, initially known as multiple personality disorder, was first described. It is important to note that having an alter ego does not imply suffer from dissociative identity disorder.

In fact, the main difference is that normally those who have multiple personalities are not fully aware of those personalities, while those who have an alter ego are not only aware, but it could even be said that they define and work that way of acting or alter the ego. -be.

It is used in our language in more than one sense and, as we find widespread references in colloquial language, it also has a regular use in the field of psychology.

That person who is extremely trusted, even if that great trust is even allowed to act on our behalf and on our behalf, is often referred to as the alter ego, or in simpler and more popular words, as the other self. Maria is her husband's alter ego in the business, so don't talk to him, you can do the same with her.

The alter ego of a person, in a rigorous analysis, is an "other me", another personality of someone. This expression comes from the Latin 'alter', which means other, that is, a different form of me. You can find this term in literature, both in interpretations of literary works, and in psychology.

Personality can literally be defined as the hidden fictitious identity or as an artifice of the author of a book that reveals the reader in the shoes of a character, in a discreet and indirect way. In general it presents many of the characteristics of its creator, which can be discovered in a deeper analysis.

On the other hand, the concept is widely used to refer to the individual who can be real or part of a fiction, and who, either due to his physical characteristics or because of the character that he manifests, generally identifies with another individual, that is, when two people are very similar in behaviors and behaviors and even physically they will say that one is the alter ego of the other.