
What is marketing ? 20 types of marketing and their uses in 2019

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What is marketing

This term refers to the process by which the behavior of markets and consumers is analyzed to later identify the needs and desires of the target market, with the main objective of attracting and retaining customers through the satisfaction of needs. of the same, thus obtaining a monetary benefit for the companies, this is considered vital when wanting to achieve success in a given market since it can anticipate the market requirements, developing new products that make daily life easier.

The 4 Ps of marketing

Marketing professionals usually base their strategies on the set of the four Ps, the first of the four Ps is made up of the product, which will be represented by any material good, service, person, idea or organization that is offered. in a certain market to satisfy some need.

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In second place, the price is located, it is the value that is given to a certain service and is determined by the marginal utility that it may have at the time of covering any demand from the consumer.

This is the most flexible of the four pa that can be modified if necessary, in addition to being the only one that generates the income, the place or the distribution, it is the process used to move the product from one place to another to that reaches the consumer in an effective way, in last place is the promotion, this is in charge of spreading the message about the product, giving its characteristics and the benefits it could have.

Types of Marketing

Industrial marketing

: it is a kind of marketing characterized by the type of market and product to which the basic principles of marketing are applied, since its sector or field of work is industrial, market strategies must be aimed at highlighting technical performance of the product in relation to its sale price.

Direct marketing

: this is defined as the set of communication and distribution techniques, which originate within a marketing system, whose purpose is to establish a link directly with the buyer, this is carried out in order to promote a product or service; using different means of direct contact: telemarketing, mailing, etc.

Guerrilla marketing

: this type of marketing refers to the set of market strategies whose orientation is especially directed at competitors, each strategy is used with the objective of weakening the competition, through the use of unconventional tools and that achieve their goal through creativity and ingenuity.

International marketing

:, this covers all those strategies that can be applied in different cultures, its goal is to make known the inequalities of the environments in which companies move through different international territories, with strategies oriented towards the globalization of products in the international markets.

Global marketing

- It arose when international companies considered the idea of ​​taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the use of economies of scale when creating marketing strategies on a global scale. When marketing activity is focused on a global level, it segments the world as if it were a large market, dividing consumers with similar needs.

Political marketing

: political marketing is one that is made up of a set of research, management and communication techniques that are usually used in the design and implementation of strategic actions throughout a political campaign, be it electoral or institutional propaganda. This kind of marketing emerged in the middle of the 20th century in the United States, while in Latin America it is still considered a new phenomenon.

Online marketing

: this type of marketing is made up of a set of techniques supported by digital media. His goal is to take advantage of all the opportunities that the internet can offer to boost a business or brand more efficiently. Online marketing offers a window of opportunity for companies that make use of this tool.

Business marketing

: As its name indicates, business marketing is one that originates in companies, depending on the needs of consumers. Its main objective is to satisfy the needs of the consumer and at the same time obtain a monetary benefit for it. This type of marketing is concerned with developing products and services that adapt to consumer requirements.

Marketing mix

: it is a study of internal aspect strategies, it is generally developed by organizations for the analysis of the four basic elements of their activity: product, price, distribution and promotion. Its main objective is to know the state of the company in order to design specific strategies for subsequent positioning.

Mobile marketing

: o mobile marketing, is one that is carried out through mobile devices such as cell phones. They represent a set of techniques that serve to promote products and services, through mobile devices as a means of communication. This new marketing strategy has been very helpful as a method to attract and retain customers.

Multichannel marketing

: is the one in charge of transmitting the message or information, through the different communication means available in a "Contact Center". Its primary goal is to maintain information defined by the company and then pass to its distribution, in all interaction channels present in the market.

Mass Product Marketing

: This includes all those market strategies in which an organization decides to ignore the different market segments that exist and covers the entire market with an offer or strategy. The goal is to be able to convey a message that reaches the largest possible audience.

Marketing Service

: Services are those intangible actions that fulfill the function of satisfying the need of a certain client. Marketing of services is a branch of marketing, which is characterized by adapting some of its strategies to the characteristics of the services, which are intangibility, variability and perishable nature. That is why for service marketing, this will be your supply center to the market.

Banking marketing

: is the one that deals with the study, planning, control and coordination, between the various departments within the bank, as well as the strategies aimed at current and potential markets, in order to permanently and profitably meet the needs of the users.

Relational marketing

: its objective is to generate beneficial relationships with customers, this type of marketing is aimed at studying the behavior of buyers, designing strategies and actions whose purpose is to encourage interaction with customers, providing an unforgettable experience. When the marketing strategy encompasses the entire company it is called " comprehensive relationship marketing "

Sports marketing

: this is the one that refers to the set of strategies aimed at the marketing and distribution of products and services, within the sports context. When talking about this type of marketing, a differentiation must be made between: The promotion of sports events and entities and the dissemination of brands or products through these events and entities.

Commercial marketing

: its purpose is to sell products or services, thereby obtaining an economic benefit. Its objective is to determine the unsatisfied needs of the consumer, to create the offer that produces sufficient income that can cover costs and profits, in order for companies to develop in a competitive and free market environment.

Social marketing

: applies commercial marketing techniques in the study, planning, execution, and evaluation of programs designed to generate influence on the voluntary behavior of the target audience, in order to improve their social well-being and that of their community. It is characterized by its constant process and because it is focused on the recipient.

Cause Marketing

: is responsible for helping to contribute to social causes, without neglecting the profitability of the company or brand; The objective of this type of marketing is to generate profits for both the company and society. Here participate from non-profit organizations, to companies focused on making profits, but also interested in carrying out social works.

Nonprofit Marketing

: is one made up of a group of activities, related to exchanges carried out by non-profit organizations, regardless of whether they are public or private. Its objectives are aimed at achieving social benefits for its public and for society in general.

In recent times, marketing has become very important since to be successful with a certain product, you must first study what the market requires, if this is done correctly, customer satisfaction will be guaranteed at the same time that benefits are generated..