The Marketing is a trading career that involves the administration of goods and services and is also responsible for the set of laws and institutions for a product forms part of the competition. What marketing is looking for is that a good or service has a favorable impact on society, in the same way, marketing expressly works on strategies and evaluates possibilities of making offers or better types of demands, all under a profit environment, in the that every effort is made to make the product attractive while generating profit for the company that manufactures it.
Marketing, also known under the idiom " Marketing ", bases its principles on the advanced, fluctuating and constantly evolving economy, the reason why different prices and promotions are always appreciated in the market, is because the company's marketing agent is working in search of a better face of the product, this face must always be kept young, fresh and pleasing to the eye of the client, the main work tool. To analyze a group of clients, field studies are carried out in which the needs and scope that a product may have in society are evaluated, for this, tools based on communication, surveys, contests, promotions are used, packages of offers and more, are the bases of the position of a product on the shelves of a store.
The organization of marketing in a company is based on guarantees, since those implementing the procedures on this issue should make it clear to the consumer customer what they are buying a product or service quality, necessary and fulfill all the expectations that have. The client will always be demanding, no matter the social stratum in which the analysis is made, the baton of excellence is always carried out in a marketing study, in order to give a good air to the company and thus contribute to the development of the business. Marketing also has the difficult task of expanding the products it offers to other horizons, I am not referring to international aspects, although it is also its own resource.I am referring to the placement of products that are not commonly seen in a focus of society that is unaware of them. An example of this is Sushi in Latin America, small franchises of Japanese gastronomy have bet in the countries of Central and South America, in a fearful strategy that in the long term began to bear positive results, although it was a very little meal. known to the inhabitants of this side of the world.