
What is mass? »Its definition and meaning


Major ceremony of the Catholic religion, the mass appears mentioned for the first time in our language in the Cantar de Mio Cid “Past is the night, come is the morning, heard is the mass and then cavalgavan”, with beginnings in the Latin “ missa “, A term used at least since the time of Constantine (4th century AD). The Latin term was occupied with the final formula of the religious office: Ite, missa est, frequently mistranslated as " you can go, the mass is over."

Indeed, in this solemn formula, missa is the passive participle of the term "miter" means "to send", allusive in this case to the prayer that is sent to God in the rite; so that the exact interpretation would be " you can go, our prayer has already been sent " Knowing this about the origin of the word mass, we could define it as: Religious ceremony of the Catholic Church in which the sacrament of the Eucharist is commemorated makes the memorial of the death and rebirth of Jesus; It consists of several parts, a first part in which the biblical readings of the day are decipheredand the priest performs the homily and a second part in which the blessing of bread and wine takes place and communion is distributed to all those present at the "Mass".

The Mass is only one, but there are different types of commemoration of it: sung mass, concelebrated mass, chrism mass, angelis mass, mass for the dead, mass of glory, mass of childbirth, pontifical mass, mass of the pre-sanctified, diaconate mass, black mass, pro populo mass, low mass, dry mass, Gregorian mass, conventual mass, mass of the rooster.