Morality is understood as the entire conglomerate of beliefs, skills, opinions and customs in the form of laws and norms that a person can have. The personality of a subject must have at least acceptable ethical behavior, in order to belong to a social group, this is achieved through the moral values achieved through correct education.
Morality is complemented by the different virtues that the person may have, their customs and way of life create parameters of conduct, proper for the development of correct morals and values.
It is common for people to state morality as a synonym for ethics, however, it is important to note that although both terms come from a similar etymology, both have different outlets when it comes to being justified. Ethics can be raised by a leader, by an institution that dictates with order what a society must do, what by law and good customs it is correct to exercise, in order to maintain a civil order.
Instead, morality is also that set of laws to remain within the orders of good habit, but they are internal, they are typical of the human being. You can decide individually whether or not to have morals, whether or not to comply with ethical standards to be in accordance with society. While it is true that ethics uses morality as a strategy for the proper development of societies, it will not always be good and applicable to problem solving, since it is up to each person to decide whether to possess it or not.
The integrity of a person is directly related to the morals that he uses on a daily basis, if a person is integral and correct, he will not commit mistakes that break his morals, he will not demand actions that put his ethics or quality of life in doubt, as they have reinforced characters morals that will lead you on the right path.
Morality is relative and will not be the same in every part of the globe, morality will always be conditioned according to the culture in which it manifests itself, perhaps in one part of the world it is considered moral to punish someone severely for a robbery, but on the other side, it would be considered an attack on human rights, however, everyone with their morals executes actions according to what is allowed in their culture.