
What is software? »Its definition and meaning


Software can be defined as all those concepts, activities and procedures that result in the generation of programs for a computer system. In other words, they are the instructions that have been predefined by a programmer to execute the tasks that are indicated.

Software is a set of binary numbers (bits), which makes some sense for the computer, and is stored on some physical support (hardware), from where the processor can access, to execute or display it. While hardware is a visible, tangible and easily applicable computing system, software is a purely conceptual entity: an intellectual product, this means that hardware is the physical part, and software is the logical part of the computer.

The goal of "good software" is to increase the chances that it will be developed on time and that it will be more cost-effective due to a more efficient use of personnel and resources.

The software can be divided into different ways based on the type of work performed. The system software, where one of its important parts is the operating system, is the part that allows the hardware to function, controls the jobs, processes such essential, although often invisible tasks, such as maintenance of disk files and administration from the screen.

The application software allows users to carry out one or more specific tasks, in any field of activity that can be automated or assisted, it carries out word processing tasks, database management and the like. For example, make an index ordered by author or retrieve information from a database, etc.

Finally, there is programming software, which provides tools to help the programmer to write computer programs and to use different programming languages ​​in a practical way.