
What is goat cattle? »Its definition and meaning


It is known as goat cattle, that set of animals raised for its complete use and exploitation, this series of animals are known as goats, for the benefit of the human species. The goat is a ruminant-type mammal, from which great economic benefits can be obtained, because it is a great producer of milk and meat, but also its fur, skin and manure can be used for many things. They are highly fertile animals that can reproduce throughout the year; the male of the goat is known as "goat", "male goat" or "chivato", meanwhile the young are called "goat" or "kid".

Goats can adapt to almost all types of climates and geographical areas, that is, in places where cattle could not survive. The work carried out by this activity is known as goat farming, which was classified as intensive farming until after World War II, after the milk was collected by private dairy companies or cooperative societies.

From the raising of goats it is possible to obtain: meat for sale and human consumption; goat milk in the same way for sale or human consumption; the milk sementada for the production of cheese or fresh consumption; the leather for performing various objects for human everyday use and finally the coat which can also be used to create different objects, an example of using skin lies in the textile industry, being used for making clothing.