
What is dual purpose cattle? »Its definition and meaning


Dual-purpose livestock is the raising of bovine animals or also called bovines in order to have a double income, with the sale of their meat and the milk that they produce; These meet the main objective of the owner, which is to have a better quality meat and milk production, increasing the performance of these animals, in this way their sales increase and apart from earning a good sum of money, they make an important contribution to the economic development of the country that is inhabiting, thus strengthening the bovine chain in the market.

The practice of dual-purpose livestock is the traditional sales system in the Latin American region, since it has the facility to produce meat and milk coexisting. These agricultural entrepreneurs use cattle as the basis of their production, coming from the fusion between zebu and creoles, crossed in turn with European cow breeds, to this is added the rearing of calves or calves by breastfeeding their parents.

According to its profit and investment cost indices, dual-purpose livestock is the most widely used or used by all types of merchants, either small, medium and large entrepreneurs who have all their investments in bovine livestock, thus the economic method that has the greatest power in terms of national agriculture in each country. At present, in all the countries that practice this type of livestock, they constitute 95% in terms of milk production and 40% of the meat that circulates nationally, being then a significant base not only in the economy of a country but also in the diet of its inhabitants.

Some of the advantages of dual-purpose livestock practice are: a very sustainable method that works in harmony with the ecosystem since it does not involve the use of toxins, its practice is easily adaptable to the environment in which they are found and they are a sustainable and efficient economic method since they are not very demanding in terms of inputs and infrastructure.