
What is dairy cattle? »Its definition and meaning


Dairy cattle is the name given to mammalian animals that are easily domesticated belonging to the Bovidae family, these have great importance in human life, since their breeding provides us with many commercial benefits, such as: meat, leather and the most common milk. The most consumed dairy breeds on the market are from the bovine or bovine population, among the most prominent are: Jersey (UK), Holstein (Holland), Guernsey (UK) and Ayrshire (Scotland); These species have a European origin, being the best specimens of dairy cattle in the world.

Within this group mentioned, which has a higher quality in terms of physical characteristic and milk production is the Holstein, this is the cow classic color, black and white observed followed in commercial and packaging of milk, this produces a volume of milk approximately 7,900 kg; in second place you can qualify for the Ayrshire breed that is reddish, mahogany, white or brown. Following these two is the Guernsey breed which has a grayish color with yellowish skin and white spots.; The Jersey breed has a variation in its color from dark gray to a lighter color almost reaching white, with a more prevalent race of uniform color but to a lesser extent they are also found with spots.

These last three breeds of cattle produce a milk value per day of approximately 6,000 kg, the Jersey breed being the one with the lowest percentage of fat compared to the other milks.

One of the factors that can greatly modify the production of milk by cattle is their diet, a variation in their diet could positively or negatively affect the volume, quality and fat content of the milk that is producing that animal. One of the most suitable foods for feeding this type of young is alfalfa, this is because its sowing is simple and cheap, added to the fact that it manages to generate greater productivity in the milk secreted by these cows.