
What is salary? »Its definition and meaning


The word Salary comes from the Latin " salarium" which means payment of salt, this is because salt was a very important product in ancient times, because they built the ostia nitrate routes in the city of Rome, that was about five hundred years BC.

This path was called via salary, and that is where the word salary comes from, today salary is the remuneration of money and other payments in kind that a worker receives periodically for his effort dedicated to the production of goods and services, these payments include the income, per hour, day or week worked of manual workers but also for the weekly, monthly or annual income of the professionals and managers of the company.

The salary is the main monetary element negotiating a labor contract, but also take into account other working conditions such as holidays, working hours, etc. that influences the daily life of each worker, from its first years of existence.

Minimum salary is the remuneration established in a country or territory for each period worked, day, hour or month, the employers have to pay their workers.

Maximum salary is considered when establishing salary caps for contributions in public social security systems that an employed person can receive and in this case a political representative, a member of a government, an investor, a manager or executive business, a financier and even an entrepreneur that is used to establish the maximum salary that an employee or public servant can earn.