
What is basic salary? »Its definition and meaning


The basic salary or salary should be understood as the fixed remuneration that a worker receives periodically as remuneration for the provision of a professional technical service, or the simple performance of a position, within a company, and said payment is independent of the conditions, it is In other words, that it does not influence the performance of certain tasks or that generate certain types of events or circumstances, the basic salary is a fixed and secure remuneration of the worker, provided that they work during the entire period in which the base salary was determined.

The concept of basic salary is a very widely used term in our language, since it designates the remuneration that a worker receives periodically as a result of the provision of a professional service or the performance of a position in a company.

That is, the worker or employee provides the company in which they work with their knowledge and work capacity and this as a counterpart assigns a salary whose sum will be determined at the signing of the contract.

The base salary includes concepts such as commissions, bonuses, overtime, Sundays and holidays, night surcharges, transportation assistance and other concepts that may be derived from what is agreed in the employment contract.

These concepts are added only if they occur in the respective month, because if they do not happen, only the agreed basic salary is paid.

The base salary plus variable salary factors make up the full accrual of the worker, which is the basis for calculating the different employment benefits, such as social benefits, security, social, except those payments have agreed that wages are not.

Piece-rate salary: this type of salary allows monitoring the quality of work through the product. The capitalist pays for the product of regular and superior quality. Poor quality product is not paid. This form of wages increases the intensity of the worker's work as he strives to do more to collect more money.

It should be noted that workers use their wages to satisfy, in principle, their basic needs and those of their family, and if they are also allowed to acquire material matters that give them pleasure.

From the above, it is clear that this income is vital for many people, especially for those who have to maintain a house and a family, without collecting them on time, they certainly cannot, if they do not have savings, cover basic needs such as: food and also pay services and taxes.

There are several synonyms for the word salary, although the most widespread is salary.