
What is gross salary? »Its definition and meaning


In the field of economics, gross salary is known as the total amount that an individual receives for his work and for which no type of deduction has been made, as in the case of the contributions and withholdings that a company usually makes on its behalf. workers. For this reason, when the term gross salary is used, reference is made to the amount established between the worker and the employer for a job, however it is unlikely that he will receive this figure, since a series of discounts will be applied to it, without However, it is important to note that such deductions by law must be specified in a payment receipt so that there is no problem.

It should be emphasized that the deductions applied to the gross salary can only be applied by the employer, these deductions may vary depending on the place where the company is located, however among the most common are the payment of social security, retirement and some withholdings for income known as personal income tax or personal income tax, which is carried out by the Tax Agency, in reference to the payments that the worker must make in tax matters. In the case of retirement and social security payments, they can be considered as benefits that the employee receives in the form of other benefits.

On the other hand, there are the so-called additives, the latter being all those payments that are made to the worker for different reasons, either for having worked overtime, productivity bonuses, employee seniority, etc. All this can increase the gross salary that a worker can receive.

Something that is very common in people is that they confuse what is the gross salary with the net salary, many times it is just a matter of communication, but nevertheless it is still important to establish the differences between one and the other, in that way misunderstandings could be avoided. The net salary, for its part, is defined as the total amount that the worker receives after deductions.