
What is salary? »Its definition and meaning


The word salary comes from the Latin “solĭdus”. The dictionary of the real Spanish academy exposes the word salary as the remuneration, remuneration or pay that is granted or designated thanks to the performance of an occupation, position or a professional service performed. In other words, in a more specific way, it is that payment that is made to the worker or worker group that is arranged on a payroll or has a position or position with fixed monetary income and the benefits that the law states; and that it is also assigned to each one of the workers who work in a specific company or organization, whether in the administrative area, office, supervision, among others.

The origin of the salary lies in its etymology, because in ancient times, specifically at the time of the Roman Empire, Solidus was a gold coin minted at that time, which largely replaced the denarius, which was the Roman silver coin characteristic of that time, which gave way to what we now call money. Therefore, different sources expose one of the meanings of the term as an old-fashioned currency, which had a different value, depending on the time, area or country where it was available.

Generally, the word salary is used as a synonym of the word salary, which also derives from Latin, from the word "salarum", a term related to "salt", since in ancient times salt was very important, since it was used as a form paid for Roman workers and in ancient Greece.